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Application of ceramic sandblasting medical devices


When you hear the words "ceramic sand" and "sandblasting", it may be difficult to associate them with medical devices. However, through the processing of ceramic sand sandblasting technology, medical devices such as artificial joints can achieve the standards that must be strictly implemented and approved in writing by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The editor learned from the Wuxi Hengli Hong B120 Ceramic Sandblasting Engineer that "for the past twenty years, some of our medical device customers have placed great trust and reliance on us. Hengli Hong Ceramic Sandblasting enables them to produce high-quality products, such as artificial joints. These medical devices, with the assistance of Hengli Hong Ceramic Sandblasting, can fully meet strict standards."

Among the many long-term customers of Hengli Hong Ceramic Sand, there is a medical machinery artificial joint supplier whose medical devices have been approved and supported by the US FDA. Their CEO talked about the cooperation with Wuxi Hengli Hong Ceramic Sand, saying, "They have been the leaders in the sandblasting industry for 20 years, and there are no problems with their focus. Every time we ask for their help, we receive satisfactory technical assistance from them. What we need to do is order their B120 ceramic sand every few months. We are truly honored to have a partner like Hengli Hong."

Due to the rapid growth of online promotion, Hengli Hong Ceramic Sand now has a larger customer base in the medical industry. "The combination of Hengli Hong ceramic sand and ours can be said to be seamless, they fully meet our growing needs." This is a famous medical device manufacturer's evaluation of Hengli Hong ceramic sand. "Using Hengli Hong B120 ceramic sand as a grinding medium for sandblasting medical devices can achieve the effect of removing small burrs, which is so clean that you cannot see it with the naked eye. It can also create small rounded corners at the junction of the two surfaces, making the surface of surgical instrument workpieces smooth and non reflective, which can truly be said to be efficient and of good quality."

Despite the increasing demand for Hengli Hong ceramic sand in the medical field, Hengli Hong insists that treating ceramic sand sandblasting as a service company is more meaningful than treating it as a surface treatment material company. Engineer Chen said, "We spend more time assisting our existing customers in post service, optimizing their results more convincing than our product description of its features and advantages.".
