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On the Handling of Automotive Parts


In this rapidly developing era, cars have become an essential item for every household. Going to work, traveling, and whenever it's a trip, you can always leave as you please. However, things that are so convenient to use occasionally make people worry: the shiny exterior of a car, with dirty parts inside, makes it difficult to clean it up. Don't worry, after reading this article, you will feel that nothing is a problem.

Engine cleaning:

The safety level of a vehicle depends on the cleanliness of the engine compartment. According to incomplete statistics, 90% of car spontaneous combustion accidents are caused by the engine. During the use of a car, a substance called sludge is produced on the surface of the engine, which greatly increases the likelihood of engine self ignition. Using sonic cleaning agents, vibrations are generated at different electrical frequencies, and bubbles are generated in the water. The rupture of the bubbles generates energy to clean the surface of the engine; If some chemical substances are added, the rust removal effect can also be achieved, and the surface of the engine has achieved good strengthening treatment.

The surface of the engine is covered with dirt, which can affect the engine's heat dissipation and cause the engine compartment temperature to be too high. On the one hand, it affects the engine's service life, and on the other hand, it can accelerate the aging of internal components such as wiring harnesses, posing a safety hazard. So regularly cleaning the engine has a great effect!

Car wheel hub:

As a supporting component of tires, car wheels are usually made of aluminum alloy. Generally, when a car leaves the factory, the car wheels are silver white. As they are metal that is close to the ground, car wheels are very easy to get dirty. Moreover, due to the nature of their own material, it is particularly difficult to wash them off after getting dirty. If they are not cleaned for a long time, they can easily become rusty. For car wheels, once they become rusty, not only are they unattractive, but also give people the illusion of a vehicle being scrapped. It is actually easy to deal with these stains by performing a rough surface polishing treatment on the wheel hub, using ceramic sand blasting technology to clean and treat stubborn dirt on the wheel hub, while also enhancing the adhesion of the wheel hub surface.


The sandblasting process plays a very important role in the surface treatment of automotive parts. It can remove all dirt such as rust from the surface of automotive parts, achieve the required roughness, greatly improve the connection force between automotive parts and coatings, or make the bonding of parts more stable and of better quality.
