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Copyright ©2023 Wuxi Henglihong Industrial Co., Ltd

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We always focus on the technology and research of grinding media and sandblasting surface treatment media, providing users with finer and more sandblasting solutions. Our products cover various fields of industry, such as electronic digital, hardware machinery, aerospace, plastic rubber, coatings, inks, oil paints, pigments, pesticide suspensions, battery materials, electronic slurries, inkjet, digital consumables, ceramic materials, non-metallic mineral powders, rare earth materials Industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and high-grade ink coatings.

The Art of Surface Treatment

22 years of focus on research and production of sandblasting and shot peening surface treatment materials

Who are we?

Founded in 2001, Wuxi Henglihong Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Henglihong) has been continuously engaged in the technical research, production, application and sales of ceramic microspheres, a new material for the surface treatment of sandblasting. Our company is committed to providing comprehensive support to the metal and non-metal manufacturing industries, striving to provide customers with sandblasting products with better quality and customized solutions.

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Pursuing Perfect Quality Control
It's our goal
We strictly follow the ISO9001:2008 and ISO14001 standards as our production guidelines, strictly implement 5S standardized management, and have strict control over every product, striving to provide our customers with high-quality finished products.

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