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product PB Series

The PB series spherical nylon beads are clean, dust-free, non-toxic, and do not pose a risk of silicosis to workers. The unique ingredients do not leave any residue, providing very effective gold plating leads for deburring without damaging the plating layer. It can provide excellent results when wiping sensitive electronic components or precision rubber components.

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Spherical Nilong Ball:

The deburring of sensitive electronic components or precision rubber components and the non abrasive spherical design of deburring of precision plastic components can provide excellent results when polishing sensitive electronic components or precision rubber components.

The precise size eliminates burrs and burrs in grooves and holes, and reduces insPBction costs.

The unique ingredients do not leave any residue and eliminate exPBnsive part cleaning oPBrations.

Spherical Nilong Ball is clean and dust-free, creating a healthier and safer working environment.

Spherical Nilongzhu is non-toxic and does not pose a risk of silicosis to workers.

Provide highly effective gold plated leads for deburring without damaging the plating layer.

Excellent sphere:The smooth apPBarance is very friendly to the product during spraying, and it maintains good PBrformance even under atmospheric pressure. We also provide professional anti-static solutions.

PB Series
HLH-PB10.99-0.61 mmHLH-PB0.36-0.15 mm
HLH-PB20.61-0.36 mmHLH-PB0.25-0.15 mm
HLH-PB30.50-0.36 mm

*HLH ® PB Series Ball Nilong Ball provides customization

PB Series
HLH-PB10.99-0.61 mmHLH-PB0.36-0.15 mm
HLH-PB20.61-0.36 mmHLH-PB0.25-0.15 mm
HLH-PB30.50-0.36 mm

*HLH ® PB Series Ball Nilong Ball provides customization